Policy Motions
Policy Motions are listed by year, and within each year by the monthly meeting dates of the Board of Directors. Each monthly meeting contains a list of summaries of all Policy Motions passed at that meeting. To access the complete final motion for any summary, please click on the POLICY MOTION link at the beginning of each summary.
January 2012
4. Policy Motion: 7-11 at National Pl/Overland Ave: ZA-2011-2980-CU-CUB ; ENV-2011-2981-EAF
6. Policy Motion: DWP MOU Extension and MVCC Participation, DWP MOU
April 2012
Policy Motion: Recognizing Windward School Headmaster Tom Gilder
January 11, 2011
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Motion Regarding El Zacatecas Bar (Sunland-Tujunga Bikini Bar) and application ZA-2010-3116-PAB [ENV-2010-3115-CE]
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Motion Regarding George Chung Variance Request.
February 8, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion of approval for applicant at 12210 Sunland-Tujunga Blvd.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Opposing the P-3 Proposal for a 50-year lease of City garages.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Supporting Governor Brown's Proposal to Dismantle Community Redevelopment Agencies.
March 8, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC Letter to Senator Boxer re: Water Resources Dev. Act
Policy Motion: MVCC Letter to Senator Feinstein re: Water Resources Dev. Act
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion approving boundary change for Palms Neighborhood Council
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion regarding proposed co-location proposal at Grand View Elementary
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion regarding proposed co-location proposal at Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Elementary
April 12, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC letter of appreciation to Councilmembers Rosendahl and Koretz
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion regarding Neighborhood Council elections
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Supporting 3261-3281 Sawtelle Correction motion
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion supporting the creation of a Citizen's Committee of the OPA
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion supporting variance request for Louie's of Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council
May 10, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion supporting Manchester/Avaiation station
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion supporting "Wake Up California" May 24 day of action
June, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Regarding a Beekeeping Feasibility Study for Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in support of SB 568 Statewide Polystyrene Ban
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Regarding AEG Sports Stadium Proposal
July, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Regarding Modified Parking Requirement Districts.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Regarding Draft Maps for Redistricting of Congressional, Assembly, and Senate districts.doc.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in Support of W/H Approval of any DWP Rate Changes Until a Ratepayers Advocate Is Selected.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Establishing New Standing Rule Re Placing Items on Committee Agendas
August, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC Letter to Councilmember Rosendahl re Apron Parking.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion re Illegal Removal of Recycling Items from Residential Trash Bins.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion re Replacement of Recently Cut Down Tree in Front of Library.
September 13, 2011
Policy Motion: MVCC Letter to EPA Director Debbie Raphael Re Ted Lieu Request
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Re Marina Del Rey Development Projects and Reduced Parking Issues
January 12, 2010
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Letter to David Freeman regarding clean electricity in Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Motion in support of Stormwater Low Impact Development Ordinance.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council motion regarding the Bundy Village and Medical Center project.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council motion supporting application ZA 2009-2222 cub-ZV at 3455 South Overland Ave.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion regarding representation on Scattergood-Olympic ad-hoc committee.
February 9, 2010
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council requests creation of ordinance regarding Cell Tower installations.
May 11, 2010
1. Policy Motion: MVCC Opposes the Establishment of a Transportation Bus Garage Operation on the Site of Webster Middle School.
June 8, 2010
Policy Motion: MVCC letter of support for California State Assembly Joint Resolution AJR 41
Policy Motion: MVCC Request for Disclosure of Revenue and Expenditures pertaining to DWP Green Power program
Policy Motion: MVCC support for 5 City Council motions regarding DWP
Policy Motion: MVCC Support for joint funding of traffic signal improvements at Palms and Lincoln
July 13, 2010
1. Policy Motion: MVCC letter objecting to lack of public notice regarding RPS EE Trust Fund
August 10, 2010
1. Policy Motion: MVCC Request concerning the Expo Bikeway construction timeline
September 14, 2010
Policy Motion: MVCC recommendation to renew Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Montessori School and Infant Care Center CUP
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in support of elimination a parking structure at the proposed Westwood station for Expo 2.
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in support of the concept of a feed-in tariff
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in support of the elevated option for the Sepulveda crossing of the Expo 2 route
Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in support of the elimination of coal from the City of L.A. electric supply by 2020
October 12, 2010
1. Policy Motion: MVCC support of Ordinance 164475 and Q conditions along Centinela Ave. between Palms and Sunland-Tujunga Boulevards
2. Policy Motion: MVCC motion opposing renewal of alcohol license for Sunland-Tujunga Bikini Bar (aka El Zacatecas Bar)
3. Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Regarding Lead time for Dept of City Planning Outreach, and Public Comment Cycles
4. Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Regarding Unlawful Overnight Lodging of Persons in Parked Motor Vehicles
5. Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Requesting that the LA City Council place on the March Ballot a Measure to Reform Police and Fire Dept Pension Plans
6. Policy Motion: MVCC Request for LADOT and CALTRANS Point of Contact and 60 Day Minimum Notice for New or Changed Traffic Installations
November 9, 2010
1. Policy Motion: MVCC Motion Regarding Generator Installation at Charnock Wells Restoration Project.
December 14, 2010
1. Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in support of City-wide ban on the issuance of plastic bags.
2. Policy Motion: MVCC Motion in support of Windward School enrollment increase, with contingencies.
January 13, 2009
Policy Motion: Supporting the variances requested for 12735 Sunland-Tujunga Blvd.
February 10, 2009
Policy motion: Supporting Traffic Control Tiger Teams, proposed by Westside Regional Alliance of Councils
Policy motion: Supporting expansion of OPD to 3100 block of Corinth
Policy motion: Proposal for development of MOU between Los Angeles Department of Transportation and Neighborhood Councils:
Policy motion: Expressing concerns for oversized vehicle and homeless parking:
Policy motion: Requesting that certain streets be re-designated as “local” streets
Policy motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Request for Post Office Recycle Bins
Policy motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Request for Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Library Recycle Bins
Policy motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Request for Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Rec. Center Recycle Bins
March 10. 2009
April 14, 2009
Policy Motion: Supporting the idea of installing bollards at the MV Farmers Market
Policy motion: Requesting traffic sign enhancements for the intersection of Rose Ave. and Inglewood Blvd.:
4. Policy motions: Expressing concerns regarding medical marijuana dispensaries or collectives
Policy motion: Response to Re-Circulated DEIR for Playa Vista Phase 2
Policy motion: Request for establishment of Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council surplus property fund
April 22, 2009
1. Policy motion:
Supporting the appeal of the Westdale Homeowners Association regarding the Advisory Agency approval of ENV-2007-2438-MND and Tentative Tract No. 69349-CN-DB located at 3160-3178 Barrington Avenue.
May 10, 2009
Policy Motion: Recommendations regarding City budget concerns and possible reduction and freeze of Neighborhood Council budgets:
May 12, 2009
1. Policy Motion: Requesting additional cut-thru traffic reduction measures from the NTM division of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation that will effectively implement the goal to “discourage non-residential traffic flow on residential streets.”
Policy Motion: Supporting the new City Sign Ordinance but opposing the Ballona Wetlands as a possible location for a future “sign district”.
Policy Motion: Opposing any change to LA City ordinances which would exempt taxis from restrictions prohibiting commercial vehicles from parkingin residential areas for periods exceeding three (3) consecutive hours.
June 9, 2009
Policy Motion: MVCC Response to the Bundy Village and Medical Park DEIR.
July 14, 2009
1. Policy Motion: MVCC Motion to create Community Improvement Grant process
August 11, 2009
Policy Motion: Letter to DONE responding to request for changes in Bylaws, and request for additional clarification regarding recommendation to remove term limits in Bylaws.
Policy Motion: Motion recommending retention and rehabilitation of Old Fire Station 62 as a multiple use Community Center.
Policy Motion: Motion regarding the maps for the Bicycle Master Plan
September 8, 2009
Policy Motion: MVCC Response to MND for 3115 Sepulveda Blvd Development project, opposing request for variance.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council letter of support for Valley Village appeal of DIR-2008-1178-SPP
October 13, 2009
1. Policy Motion: The Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council hereby adopts the creation of a CERT and Community Center at the site of Historic Fire Station 62, 3631 Centinela, as an official MVCC community benefit project.
Policy Motion: Motion calling on LA DWP to implement certain procedures regarding the Solar Energy Implementation Plan
3. Policy Motion: The Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council hereby requests the Department of Building and Safety enforce the law and close all medical marijuana shops which have already been denied hardship exemptions. The MVCC further requests prosecution of scofflaw shops continuing to operate in defiance of the law.
November 11, 2009
Policy Motion: Expressing support for using 100% clean electricity in Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council.
Policy Motion: To support ZA-2009-3132-CUB-CU [ENV-2009-3131-EAF]: 7-11, 12403 W. Sunland-Tujunga Blvd 90066 CUBConditional Use Beverage (Alcohol) CU-Conditional Use for off-site consumption of beer and wine in a 3,357 sq ft 7-Eleven convenience store with 24 hour operation and alcohol sales from 6am to 1am, daily.
Policy Motion: Expressing concern regarding variance issuance for Vista Del Mar Christian Church.
Policy Motion: Opposing the proposed repeal of City liability for repair of curbs, sidewalks, and driveways due to tree root damage.
December 8, 2009
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Motion regarding Ratepayer Advocate for DWP.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council motion regarding the DWP Scattergood-Olympic Line 1 Power Transmission project.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council motion regarding traffic concerns and the Bundy Village and Medical Park.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council request for CEQA analysis of proposed ADU ordinance.
Policy Motion: Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council support of SCR 56.
January 8, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Motion approving a Small Lot Subdivision at 3964 Beethoven St.
Status: Letter emailed to Planning Dept. - POLICY MOTION: Motion to Revoke City Permit for Cell Phone Tower on Palms Blvd.
Status: Whitney Blumenfield, CD11 planning deputy, emailed the Board saying there is no way to revoke the T-Mobile permit for this tower.
February 12, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Motion urging the LADOT and Council to reconsider the Pico/Olympic Pilot proposals.
Status: Motion emailed to Councilman Rosendahl, Mayor Villaraigosa, John Fisher, Len Nguyen, Stephen Chung, Terri Tippet, and Jay Handal Terri Tippet offered to submit the motion at the City Transportation Committee meeting on 02/13/08 and I accepted her offer. Stephen Chung, answered, saying he would make sure the motion was communicated to the mayor. Submitted as a CIS on 2/13/08 and attached to Council File 07-1199. - POLICY MOTION: Motion requesting right-turn only signs at egress points of new development project at 12402 Washington Place, Culver City.
Status: Motion emailed to City Manager Culver City, and City Councilmen, Culver City. - POLICY MOTION: Motion affirming MVCC support for current Preferential Parking Districts.
Status: Motion emailed to Bill Rosendahl, with Len cc'd Motion emailed to Rita Robinson, Pauline Chan, John Fisher, Mo Bloforsharian. - POLICY MOTION: To oppose the creation of a supplemental use district for a digital billboard next to a freeway.
- POLICY MOTION: To support Councilman Rosendahl's efforts to oppose the sale of City property at the previous site of Fire Station 62.
Status: Motion emailed to Bill Rosendahl, and cc'd to Len Nguyen and Stephen Cheung. Motion was mentioned in L.A. Times article on 2/21/08.
March 11, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Motion to support the observance of Earth Hour, March 29, 2008 at 8:00pm. On this day everyone is asked to turn off their lights for one hour between 8 and 9pm.
April 8, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Motion to create ordinance for fumigation notification
Status: Motion emailed to Len Nguyen with request to forward to Councilman Rosendahl - POLICY MOTION: The MVCC supports the Anti-Mansionization Ordinance currently under consideration by the Los Angeles City Council. Status: Motion emailed to Bill Rosendahl and cc'd Whitney Blumenfeld and Len Nguyen.
- POLICY MOTION: Letter to Gail Goldberg expressing MVCC concerns about the L.A. implementation of SB1818
Status: Letter mailed to Gail Goldberg, and Jane Usher Emailed to Bill Rosendahl, cc'd Whitney Blumenfeld and Len Nguyen Submitted as a Community Impact Statement attached to Ordinance 05-1345. - POLICY MOTION: Motion regarding placement of CBS/Decaux signage in Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council area Status: Emailed to Councilman Rosendahl, and cc'd francois nion(CBS/Decaux), Lance Oishi (LA city), and Len Nguyen.
- POLICY MOTION: Motion to not oppose the variance requested for the wall at 3979 East Blvd.
Status: Nothing sent, as no action was taken. - POLICY MOTION: Motion to re-affirm MVCC support for changing the maximum time on parking meters on Sunland-Tujunga Blvd. between Centinela Blvd and Grandview Blvd. from one hour to two hours.
Status: mailed and emailed to Ray Lau. Also emailed to Len Nguyen to take to Bill Rosendahl. - POLICY MOTION: Motion to request Jane Harman, Henry Waxman, and James Oberstar to investigate possible legislative action to require the FAA to accept and respect the intent of the City of Santa Monica with regard to its ordinance conforming the Airport to Category A and B aircraft
Status: Waiting to send motion until after April 25, to see if the ordinance does in fact go into effect. Letters are sent via email and USPS on May 7 I received email confirmation from Harman and Waxman representatives, but nothing from Oberstar.
April 22, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Motion to approve a letter to the City of Santa Monica responding to the CHARNOCK WELL FIELD RESTORATION PROJECT Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. The motion requests that the MND not be approved, and that an Environmental Impact Report be prepared.
May 13, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Motion in support of Expo Line Phase 2 routing along the ROW and a local station near Exposition and Sepulveda.
Status: Motion emailed to Expo Line officials via Gaby Gonzalez and Bill Rosendahl via Len Nguyen. - POLICY MOTION: The MVCC Board recommends that the City of Los Angeles Planning Department notify the City of Culver City of all developments impacting Culver City's traffic, congestion and environment.
July 22, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Opposing the Tentative Tract Map application for 3160-3178 Barrington Ave.
Status: emailed and U.S. mail to: Mr. Tanner Blackman, Los Angeles City Planning Department Division of Land-- Subdivision Unit, 7th floor Main City Hall, Room 750 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
August 12, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Supporting resolution AJR 37 (Lieu) currently under consideration by the California Legislature.
Status: Has been emailed to Ted Lieu's office - POLICY MOTION: Requesting that CD11 pursue any means available to require an increase in on-site parking at the new development at 3992 S. Inglewood Blvd. Status: Will be sent to Councilmember Rosendahl and B & S.
- POLICY MOTION: Supporting variance at 11825 Courtleigh Drive to keep complex as a 12-unit project.
Status: Has been mailed to: Office of Zoning Administration 200 North Spring Street, 7th Floor - POLICY MOTION: Supporting 3772 Grandview Blvd. Fence Height Variance and send a letter of support to the appropriate parties.
Status: Has been mailed to: Office of Zoning Administration 200 North Spring Street, 7th Floor, and emailed to Tony Meza, the project rep. for the architect.
September 9, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Opposing the application for a variance to build a parking structure at 3655 Centinela Blvd.
Status: The motion was mailed to the office of Zoning Administration, and emailed to CD11 staff, and Mormon Church rep.Mark Paredas: [email protected] - POLICY MOTION: Requesting LADOT, when installing speed humps, do so at a height that will keep traffic at or below the posted speed limits, and to consider split-type speed bumps.
STATUS: Emailed to LADOT staff (Pauline Chan, Mo,) and Bill Rosendahl and staff. - POLICY MOTION: Stating additional MVCC concerns regarding the Exposition Corridor Light Rail Transit Project Phase 2
STATUS: Emailed to Gabriela Gonzalez at the Expo Construction Authority. - POLICY MOTION: Requesting the City comply with its General Plan mandated duties to implement an infrastructure capacities monitoring program and database, and publish updated Annual Reports on Growth and Infrastructure for years 1999 through 2008.
STATUS: Emailed to Councilmember Rosendahl. - POLICY MOTION: Supporting the compromise proposal put forward by the owner of the 3160-3178 Barrington Ave. properties, Mr. Abraham Assil, to convert the 48 apartment units in the 4 buildings currently on the property to 48 condos, using the existing building structures.
Status: Mailed and emailed to: Mr. Tanner Blackman, Los Angeles City Planning Department 7th floor Main City Hall, Room 750 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 And emailed to Councilmember Rosendahl
September 25, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Approving MVCC Rose Committee to be lead organizer in beautification project for the Inglewood/Granville stairs, and approving allocation of $2,500 to beautify the stairs.
- POLICY MOTION: Comment and Response to the Draft Environmental Impact Report prepared by the City of Santa Monica for its Charnock Well Field Restoration Project.
- POLICY MOTION: Opposing the construction of high-density housing or any other projects requiring rezoning at the old Fire Station 62 site.
November 11, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Supporting the Windward variance request for additional parking spaces
December 9, 2008
- POLICY MOTION: Requesting an accounting to each Neighborhood Council of all 5117 parking funds and Quimby funds in its district.
- POLICY MOTION: Supporting ICO/moratorium for all off-site sign advertising and super graphic signs until a new sign ordinance is enacted.
- POLICY MOTION: Requesting that NC's be allowed to appeal City department decisions.
- POLICY MOTION: Opposing zoning change at proposed Casden Development site, Exposition/Pico/Sepulveda Blvds. (Case #ENV-2008-3989).
- POLICY MOTION: Supporting additional requirements NC involvement in planning issues.
- POLICY MOTION: Requesting CD11 consideration of crosswalk installations at Marcasel Ave. at Washington Blvd. and Washington Place.