Executive Committee
Oversees administrative functions of the STNC and sets the board meeting agendas.
Meetings are held two weeks prior to the monthly STNC board meeting unless otherwise noticed.
Executive Committee Members
Lydia Grant, President
Lallah Rowe, First Vice President Community Improvement
Shauna Scanlon, Second Vice President Outreach
Ed Babakhanian, Treasurer
Carol Hutchinson, Secretary
Section 2: Agenda Setting - The Executive Committee shall establish the agendas for regular STNC meetings at Executive Committee meetings called for that purpose. These agenda meetings shall be open to the public and subject to the requirements of the Brown Act.
STNC Bylaws Section 2: Duties and Powers - The duties of the Officers are as follows and also include such additional duties as may be adopted by official action of the Board. There are five (5) Executive Officers elected at large:
A. President - Shall chair regular, special and Executive Committee meetings and shall be the STNC representative to other Los Angeles neighborhood councils and to the Los Angeles City Council, or may delegate someone to represent the STNC to these bodies.
B. First Vice President - First Vice President, Community Improvement - Shall perform the duties of the President when the President is unavailable or otherwise unable to preside at Agenda or Board meetings. He/She shall be the liaison between the Board and STNC/community improvement projects.
He/She shall assist Standing and or Ad Hoc committees and see that the committees are able to perform their appointed tasks, as requested by the President or any Board member. The First Vice-President shall carry on the duties of the Treasurer should there be no Treasurer or the Treasurer be incapacitated.
In the event that the President position is vacated, the First Vice President shall preside over the appointment process as described in Article 5 Section 6 to select a new President to serve out the remainder of the term; the new President must be chosen from those current board members who have served a minimum of twelve months on the current Board.
C. Second Vice President –Outreach- Shall chair the Outreach Committee. He/She shall assume the duties of the President when both the President and First Vice President are unable to do so.
D. Secretary - Shall fulfill correspondence duties at the direction of the President, including, but not limited to, correspondence with other Los AngelesNeighborhood Councils and the various Los Angeles City government agencies. He/She will be responsible for maintaining the contact lists of STNC Board and committee members and stakeholders, and shall coordinate with the staff to ensure the timely posting of notices of Board meetings, committee meetings, elections, and other items of interest to the STNC community. He/She shall take minutes at the Agenda and Board meetings in the absence of the appointed minute taker. The Secretary shall be the STNC Officer of Service.
E. Treasurer - Chairs the Budget and Finance Committee. Oversees the finances of the Neighborhood Council to assure total compliance with all Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (Department) and Los Angeles City requirements. Submits financial reports to the Board of Officers at every regular meeting. The Treasurer shall comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requirements and shall file the Department’s required reports and all other paperwork and reports required by the Department in a timely manner.
Executive Officers are expected to act in the interest of the STNC and the Sunland- Tujunga community as a whole.
Meetings (Agendas, Minutes, Documents)
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