Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project

Posted on 11/30/22

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project

Metro has a plan to make it easier to get around LA, with better transit across the North Valley. The North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project will improve east-west transit service with better access to jobs, education and essential services.

This new approach, called the BRT Network Improvements, is the result of extensive outreach and Metro Board direction following prior studies and completion of an Alternatives Analysis for a single-line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in 2019.
Some of the features of the BRT Network Improvements include:
> More frequent service with 10-minute weekday service on Roscoe Bl and Nordhoff St
> Enhanced bus stop amenities at five key transfer locations
> New bus shelters at nearly 400 locations
> New bus bulbs at approximately 80 locations
> Peak-hour bus-only lanes in segments of Roscoe Bl where parking is already restricted
> Transit signal priority added for up to seven bus lines
> Electric buses with all door boarding 

To help clarify some of the questions received during the community outreach process, we've developed a list of frequently asked questions and answers that can be accessed on the project website at or directly here.

Join us tomorrow at the upcoming Metro Board of Directors regular meeting.
The project will be on the agenda for consent at the Metro Board of Directors regular meeting tomorrow, Thursday, December 1, 2022, starting at 10:00am. 

The Board Report is available online and can be found in the "View Board Report" link below. The project is currently item 16 on the agenda and comments on the consent calendar will be at the beginning of the meeting.
View Board Report
Regular Board Meeting
Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 10:00am
Watch Online: 
Listen by phone: 888.251.2949
Extension: 8231160# (English) or 4544724# (Español)
All Metro meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. Spanish translation will be provided. Other ADA accommodations and translations are available by calling 323.466.3876 at least 72 hours in advance.
How to Provide Public Comment
If you want to submit a public comment, we encourage you to submit written public comments in advance of the Board meeting by email or mail below.
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Board Secretary's Office
One Gateway Plaza
MS: 99‐3‐1 
Los Angeles, CA 90012

How to Submit Live Oral Public Comments
If you wish to provide a live oral public comment at the meeting, please follow the dial‐in instructions below. Comments on the consent calendar will be at the beginning of the meeting.
Call: 888.251.2949
Enter one of the following access codes:
For English: 8231160#
Para Español: 4544724#

Live oral public comment can only be given by telephone. You may join the call 5 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
We want to hear from you!
Thank you for your participation in the recent SB 288 virtual community meeting held for the North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor project on September 29, 2022.

If you were unable to attend the virtual community meeting, you can watch the meeting recording, access meeting materials and visit the online interactive StoryMap on the project website, by visiting Please share any additional comments via our online form, or by calling or emailing the contact information provided below. 

The September virtual community meeting provided a recap on the proposed BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Network Improvements and the Senate Bill 288 (SB 288) exemption process. The reports referenced during the virtual community meeting can be accessed on the project website under the documents section and linked below. 
Next Steps
We will keep you updated on next steps and include information on how to participate. The board report includes an overview of the Proposed Project.

Thank you again for your participation in the North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project.

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