August 2016 Update
This DEIR is to review the upgrade to the Redmont Pump Station located at Summitrose and Redmont.� Please click on the links to read the full document.� The STNC looks forward to your feedback and recommendations regarding this proposal.
I�m pleased to announced that we have officially posted the Draft EIR for public review, on the following link:
Www.ladwp.com/envnotices . We will also be posting the link on the project�s web page. I�d also like to apologize, as the posting took place about a week ago; I was unaware. However, I�d like to encourage you, the STNC, and the residents to review the document as we would like to work with you all to make this project a success and a benefit to your community. If you read through the document there will be some dates of interest, particularly the date scheduled� for �public scoping meeting� and public comments due date. If you have any questions please feel free to email me or call me. Thank you, we look forward to working with you.
Freddy Blanquel, PE
Engineering Project Manager
Project Management Office
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
111 North Hope Street Room 1315
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 367-3613