Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Board Meeting is Wednesday

Posted on 09/07/21

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

General Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

7:00 PM

Zoom Meeting Online or By Telephone

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1. Call to Order, Welcome

→ Board Retreat Update

2. Roll Call, Voting Eligibility

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Presentation by Local Service Club - Sunland-Tujunga Shadow Hills Rotary Club [3]

5. LAPD Updates - SLO Caloca / SLO Contreras

6. Comments by Elected Officials/Representatives, Done, City Departments (3 min per Representative)

7. Presentation: Sean Kleckner, LA City Park Ranger and Board Member Director Los Angeles Airport Police

Officer Association (LAAPOA) regarding LA City Park Rangers carrying firearms. Ranger Kleckner has received

approval from Chief Losorelli to conduct outreach to STNC and other neighboring CD7 NCs on this issue. See

two very influential videos that help bring more depth to this topic that have our Rangers discuss their

experience being shot at in Elysian Park in October of 2020.

8. Discussion/Action to approve Community Impact Statement (CIS) 20-0190 supporting L.A. City Park


9. Update on STNC’s light pole banners.

10. Discussion/Announcement of Vacant Board Openings

a. Discussion/Motion to approve Karen Moran, Region 3 Representative.

b. Discussion/Motion to approve Belinda Woodruff, Region 4 Representative.

11. Committee / Liaison Reports

a. NC Budget Advocates Budget Day

b. Civic University Appointments

c. Other

12. CONSENT CALENDAR - NON-FUNDING ITEMS - Note: Consent calendar items are considered to be

non-controversial and will be treated as one agenda item. Any Board member or stakeholder may request that an item be

removed. There will be no discussion of these items unless an item is removed from the consent calendar, in which case it

will go to the end of New Business and be considered as time allows. MOTION: The STNC Board approves the consent


a. Discussion/Motion that President Lydia Grant pick up all STNC 2021 Election documents from the L.A.

City Clerk.

b. Discussion/Motion to approve the August 2021 minutes

c. Discussion/Motion to approve the addition of Karen von Gunten and Kathleen Travers* as members of

the STARC Committee [approved at STARC on 8/24 - Joe DeCenzo, * = STNC board member]

13. CONSENT CALENDAR FUNDING ITEMS - Note: Consent calendar items are considered to be non-controversial and

will be treated as one agenda item. Any Board member or stakeholder may request that an item be removed. There will be

no discussion of these items unless an item is removed from the consent calendar, in which case it will go to the end of

New Business and be considered as time allows. MOTION: The STNC Board approves the funding consent calendar:

Ed Babakhanian, Treasurer

a. Discussion/Motion to approve the August Monthly Expenditure Report (MER)

b. Discussion/Motion to approve Lloyd’s Staffing for monthly board meeting minutes up to $400.00 per


c. Discussion/Motion to approve late fee to US Storage in the amount of $69.46

14. Discussion/Motion to approve letter to Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez regarding STNC chairs / tables to

be returned to North Valley City Hall, 7747 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga.

15. Discussion/ Motion for all Committee Members to sign the Code of Conduct within 30 days.

16. Recommendations from The Land Use Committee

a. Motion to approve support letter for 8135 Graystone

b. Discussion: Update on SB9 and 10

17. PRESENTATION & TRAINING on the Neighborhood Council (NC) System

a. Bylaws, Standing Rules, BONC Policies, Brown Act (Meeting Agenda Posting, ENS)

b. NC Meetings: Agenda Items, Presenters, Meeting Agendas, Making Motions, Community Impact


c. NC Alliances, STNC Community Events/Meetings, Other Training Opportunities

d. Board Member Training Requirements: All board members must complete ethics and funding training

in order to vote on funding motions before the board. The training courses and instructions can be

found at [anti-bias training]

18. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS - one minute per speaker unless otherwise

announced by the presiding officer – Comments from the Public on Non-Agenda items, issues, announcements

within the jurisdiction of the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council. The Brown Act prevents the Board from

commenting on your comments. If you wish to speak, either raise your hand (on computer or tablet) or dial *9

(on your cell phone).



Next STNC Board meeting is Oct. 13, 2021

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