Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Notice of Boardmember Vacancies

Posted on 06/10/21

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Notice of Boardmember Vacancies

There are two seats to be filled for the remainder of the 2- year term that started in May 2021.
Second Vice President - Outreach
Term: 2 Years
1 vacancy as of 6-9-21
Article VI - Governing Board
Section 1.C.
Second Vice President –Outreach - Shall chair the Outreach Committee. He/She shall assume the duties of the President when both the President and First Vice President are unable to do so.
Attachment B
Governing Board Structure
Eligibility to Run for the Seat
Stakeholders who live, work, or own real property within the STNC boundaries and who are 18 years of age or older at the time of election.

Term: 2 Years
1 vacancy as of 6-9-21
Article VI - Governing Board
Section 1.D.

Secretary - Shall fulfill correspondence duties at the direction of the President, including, but not limited to, correspondence with other Los AngelesNeighborhood Councils and the various Los Angeles City government agencies. He/She will be responsible for maintaining the contact lists of STNC Board and committee members and stakeholders, and shall coordinate with the staff to ensure the timely posting of notices of Board meetings, committee meetings, elections, and other items of interest to the STNC community. He/She shall take minutes at the Agenda and Board meetings in the absence of the appointed minute taker. The Secretary shall be the STNC Officer of Service.
Attachment B
Governing Board Structure
Eligibility to Run for the Seat
Stakeholders who live, work, or own real property within the STNC boundaries and who are 18 years of age or older at the time of election.
Above from the STNC Bylaws 11162020(3)

To apply for a board position, please submit your insterest statement and contact information to be considered at the next STNC Board meeting.  Attending the STNC Executive Committee meeting is not a requirement but is recommended so you may learn more about the position, how to apply and responsibilities of the board position and meeting participation.  Kindly submit your interest statement by June 30, 2021 for consideration at the July 14, 2021 STNC Board Meeting  to [email protected]

For more information please see STNC Bylaws.
Example of Interesst Statement

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

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