Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Neighborhood Watch Meeting Notes

Posted on 07/13/20

7 JULY 2020 - 9:00AM, BY ZOOM
30 attended the meeting scheduled by Senior Lead officers Cesar Contreras and Gloria Caloca. We had only a few tech communication glitches. ☼☼ Disruptions from COVID-19 have pushed crime up. Residential burglaries are +20%, often owing to open garages, unlocked doors or windows, and a drug habit to feed. Overall, LA City is down 8%!
► INVOLVE YOURSELF in your surroundings. Meet people on your street! That helps you report suspicious activities by unknown people. Package theft is up all over the city, not committed by a specific group. When you're not at home and expect a package or receive a notification, call a neighbor to pick it up.
► TUJUNGA... Had an increase in robberies: 7 this year, 4 last year. "Robberies" involve a victim being robbed of belongings by force or threat. "Burglaries" do not involve a victim on site, just things taken from a home or vehicle.
There's no reason not to walk near Vons. A mental case on site is now off site. Feel free to agitate Von's management if you don't feel safe.
Auto theft is up because many cars are now parked at home, too often in the street.
► Foothill Station's DETECTIVE OAKLEY, who handles car thefts, attended: "These are crimes of opportunity. People leave electronic fobs or keys in their cars. Nine of our last 19 stolen vehicles were from keys or fobs left inside. Don't make it easy! "Vehicles most stolen are early 1990s to 2000 Hondas, Toyotas and GM vehicles. If your car falls in that range, use a steering wheel 'club' to discourage and slow down thieves."
Tujunga has been the least-hit GTA (grand theft auto) area in Foothill, with only two last week. Pacoima and Sun Valley are highest, up 29%. LAPD makes lots of GTA arrests, with very few cars stripped and many returned to owners.
Hiking trailheads are notorious for thefts from vehicles, not necessarily stolen autos. DO NOT put your purse or valuables into the trunk at the trailhead. Do that at home, where trail visitors won't see what goes into your trunk.
Only arrests for rape and GTA are up this year. Last year, burglaries from vehicles were down 23%, so they're up a little this year. Auto theft is high nationwide.
► Tagging seems slightly on the rise in S-T, even without a significant gang presence. Use the MyLA311 app. Be sure to take a photo and get an exact address. ► Fireworks about Fireworks! A resident asked why LAPD and City response was slower during July 4th weekend. 911 was completely slammed. SLOs Caloca and Contreras took 4th of July vacations for the first time in six years. But SLOs shouldn't be your first call! Contact 911 for a real emergency or 877 ASK-LAPD (877 275-5273) for non-emergency car dispatch. Officers working our area were new to the area, so not as familiar with street names.
LA Fire responded to 50% more fireworks fires in trash dumps, vegetation and dwellings than usual. A Northridge apartment complex half burned to the ground. Remember that before giving your neighbor a thumbs-up for his aerial fireworks!
Two residents reported getting angry verbal threats from antagonistic neighbors when requested fireworks cease for the sake of babies, pets and sleep. Make a threat? Meet an officer.
► Due to defunding, LAPD will LOSE 300 OFFICERS next year. Foothill may lose 12 to 14. Seventy percent of residents oppose defunding. To reinstate, contact CD7 voluminously. Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez was one mainstay of the defunding bill. Find her contact info below.
Defunding LA's police seems inappropriate because, since LA's 2001 Civil Rights Consent Decree, LAPD has initiated hundreds of programs in Community Policing, social outreach, and partnering with diverse groups and residents in every neighborhood—far more than other large US cities! Should we defund that?
Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council (STNC) sent a letter to City Council OPPOSING defunding your LAPD. Vote was 12-2.
LAPD "Metro" Division is a no-nonsense team dispatched to trouble spots. One resident suggested dispersing them throughout the city, a few to each station.
► ATTY. MARK ROSS, Foothill's Neighborhood Prosecutor ([email protected]), said LAPD has put more officers into troubled areas. His office sent out anti-fireworks warning-educational letters to 150 Foothill residents, 25 to S-T. Officers visited some offenders' homes. Next year, call 877-ASK-LAPD to report an exact address. Start early!
► No Bail, No Jail, No Fail! COVID-19 MEANS ZERO BAIL for all but violent, armed or DUI crimes. Officials fear a jail sentence could become a COVID-19 sentence. Criminals know this and plan for only a minor inconvenience to their day plan. City's graffiti clean-up has suffered budget cuts by City Council.
► Contact CD7 to help our Council Office understand which budgets should or should not be cut: (818) 352-3287 & [email protected]. More than one call may be required.
Keep watch for your neighbors! Ask them to keep watch for you!
Very best! | Jon von Gunten | Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Board | Rep to LAPD Neighborhood Watch

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