Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section
Online Open House Meeting & Public Hearing – June/July 2020
Please join us at the upcoming online Open House Meeting and Public Hearing
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) recently released the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIR/EIS) for the Burbank to Los Angeles (B-LA) Project Section. The Draft EIR/EIS is available for public review and comment at www.hsr.ca.gov . The 45-day comment period began on May 29, 2020 and ends on July 16, 2020.
The Authority invites you to participate in both an online Open House Meeting and an online Public Hearing for the B-LA Project Section. To comply with the public health and safety requirements concerning the coronavirus, both meetings will be held online and via telephone. The online open house website (www.meethsrsocal.org ) is available for the duration of the public comment period with a live webcast scheduled for June 18, 2020. The open house will offer the public an overview of the environmental documents, opportunity to review and ask questions about the Draft EIR/EIS, information on where to access the environmental documents and how to participate in the public comment process. Project team members will be online to answer questions for the duration of the meeting. Comments or questions submitted at the open house will not be part of the public record.
The online public hearing scheduled for July 8, 2020 offers members of the public an opportunity to provide formal oral testimony to a panel of Authority representatives. Oral comments may be submitted via the live webcast or by telephone and will be recorded by a court reporter. After the public review period, the Authority will prepare a Final EIR/EIS, which will include responses to comments received during the review period. For additional information on how to submit a formal comment, please visit www.meethsrsocal.org.
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