The 2020 Census is fast approaching. Los Angeles County ranks as the hardest-to-count county in the nation. Hard-to-count areas include neighborhoods with limited access to the internet, those with high concentrations of renters, people experiencing homelessness, and immigrant communities that may be hesitant to participate in the Census. LA needs your help to ensure all of our communities are counted accurately, so we can receive the federal funding and representation we deserve!
We are asking all Neighborhood Councils to designate two (2) Census 2020 Liaisons to be trained as Census Goodwill Ambassadors. The Liaisons do not have to be board members. Once you sign up, you will be invited to a training just for NC Census Liaisons. Time and locations TBA.
The Census Goodwill Ambassador (CGA) program is an effort by the City of Los Angeles to recruit, train, and deploy volunteers to educate and motivate hard-to-count populations before the 2020 Census. CGAs will lead grassroots efforts in their neighborhoods to educate Angelenos on how census data determines federal funding for our schools, social and health services, and infrastructure. You’re already a trusted voice in your community. This unique opportunity won’t come around for another 10 years!
So what would a CGA do? Here’s some examples:
  • Lead an event with your Neighborhood Council to discuss the importance of Census 2020 and encourage the neighborhood you represent to participate.
  • Host an event at a Census Action Kiosk (CAK) to educate community members about the census, address their concerns, and/or to help them fill out the census survey itself.
  • Volunteer at City and/or County events to promote Census 2020.
  • Share/repost social media content and information to encourage participation in Census 2020.
  • Recruit more ambassadors and/or conduct a CGA training of your own: we need as many CGAs as possible!
If you’re interested and/or have any questions, please contact your Neighborhood Empowerment Advocate, or call (213) 978-1551 Monday-Friday 9 am – 5 pm.