For the latest updates this bill:
SB330 -- Signed by the Governor
SB592 - In Committee
Council File Number: 19-0002-S102
The STNC opposes SB 330, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019. This bill virtually eliminates local input into matters of great local significance.
It robs the citizenry of the opportunity to make housing development decisions, placing that authority into the hands of developers who no longer need to satisfy local concerns. It limits Community Input. It Limits hearings to a maximum of five. It exacerbates the housing crisis by not addressing affordable income requirements while allowing developers to build unlimited numbers of luxury units. It will allow bars and liquor stores on the ground floors of high rise residential buildings. This legislation will harm not help the housing crisis. It will risk the health and safety of existing communities.
Council File Number: 19-0002-S117
The STNC is in opposition to Senate Bill 592, the Housing Accountability Act. It robs Los Angeles of the opportunity to determine the appropriateness of Housing Projects. It forces the City into hasty decisions. Short deadlines suppress community’s ability to have input. The fines diminish the community’s ability to have input. This legislation will result in a new level of bureaucratic gamesmanship that is not guaranteed to produce the needed housing for Californians. Finally, the courts will be given the power to vacate decisions made by the City, putting our residents at risk of health and safety issues.
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