Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Want to be a member of our Neighborhood Council?

Posted on 01/01/18

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

(According to the Bylaws: 1. Any stakeholders or board members interested in filling the vacant position will be asked to submit a statement announcing their desire to fill the vacancy and their qualifications to do so. These may be submitted in person to the STNC office or by email to [email protected]. They must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the next General meeting.) 2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for holding the monies of the STNC, and for maintaining records of income and expenditures and current balance and keeping the records current. The Treasurer shall comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requirements and shall file the Department’s required quarterly reports and all other paperwork and reports required by the Department in a timely manner. 3. The position is open to: stakeholders who live, work, own property in the neighborhood or those who declare a stake in the neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder or who are identified by participation in business, educational, faith-based, community service, youth and special interest organizations that are located or that meet regularly within the STNC boundaries and are 16 years old at the time of filing for candidacy.

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