Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Draft 2015 Urban Water Management Plan Released

Posted on 03/01/16

Draft 2015 Urban Water Management Plan Released
LADWP Accepting Public Input on Proposed 2015 UWMP

To provide stakeholders with an opportunity to review or provide input for the proposed 2015 Urban Water Management plan (UWMP), LADWP has released the draft 2015 UWMP online at

The updates to the 2015 UWMP will be consistent with the City’s goals and policy objectives for a reliable water supply, such as the Mayor’s Executive Directive No. 5 and the Sustainable City pLAn.

The adoption of an UWMP is required every five years to comply with the California’s Urban Water Management Planning Act (Act) codified in Sections 10610 through 10656 of the California Water Code.

On a local level, the UWMP serves as the City’s long term water resources management strategy for the next 25 years through 2040. The proposed 2015 UWMP is designed to build upon the goals and progress achieved from the 2010 UWMP.

Draft Review and Comment Period

Public comments on the draft 2015 UWMP can be emailed to [email protected], expressed in the two upcoming public hearings, or mailed to LADWP JFB, 111 N. Hope Street-Room 1460, Los Angeles CA 90012, Attn: Simon Hsu. All comments must be received by March 16, 2016. The draft 2015 UWMP and appendices can be downloaded at

Public Hearing Dates

Mar 3*  6 pm – 8 pm
LADWP Headquarters, 111 N. Hope St., Los Angeles CA 90012

Mar 9  6 pm - 8 pm  Sepulveda Garden Center, 16633 Magnolia Blvd., Encino CA 91436

 The key reporting requirements in the UWMP include:

  • Existing and planned sources of water
  • Water demand forecasting
  • Conservation efforts to reduce water demand
  • Activities to develop alternative sources of water
  • Assessment of reliability and vulnerability of water supply
  • Water shortage contingency analysis
  • Voluntary reporting on climate change impacts and energy intensity
L.A.’s 2015 UWMP

The 2015 UWMP will build upon the goals and progress achieved from the 2010 UWMP and will continue to serve as the City’s master plan for reliable water supply and resources management. Updates to the UWMP will be consistent with the City’s goals and policy objectives for reliable water supply, such as the Mayor’s Executive Directive No. 5 and the Sustainable City pLAn. The development of additional local supplies to reduce the City’s future dependence on purchased imported supplies will be based on recommendations from prior program level planning initiatives. These include the Recycled Water Master Documents, Groundwater System Improvement Study, Stormwater Capture Master Plan, and Conservation Potential Study (on-going). These documents will be used to develop an integrated water resources management plan. The 2010 UWMP can be downloaded by clicking the link below.

2010 Urban Water Management Plan

Draft Review Period and Timeline

Five email informational bulletins were distributed from November 2015 to January 2016 in conjunction with four publicized outreach meetings held in January.

The draft 2015 UWMP was completed and posted for public comment on February 12. Comments can be emailed to [email protected], expressed in the two upcoming public hearings, or mailed to Room 1460 LADWP JFB, 111 N. Hope Street, Los Angeles 90012, Attn: Simon Hsu. The deadline to provide comments is March 16, 2016. The draft can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Draft 2015 UWMP

Draft 2015 UWMP Appendices

Public Hearings:

  • Thursday, March 3 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at LADWP Headquarters John Ferraro Building, 111 N. Hope Street, Los Angeles 90012.
  • Wednesday, March 9 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Sepulveda Garden Center, 16633 Magnolia Blvd., Encino CA 91406.

Input received from these public hearings will be considered in the preparation of the UWMP. The final 2015 UWMP is anticipated to be presented to the LADWP Board of Commissioners for adoption in May 2016. The final submittal deadline of the UWMP to the California Department of Water Resources is July 1, 2016.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email at [email protected].




Input received from these public hearings will be considered in the preparation of the UWMP updates. The final 2015 UWMP is anticipated to be presented to the LADWP Board of Commissioners for adoption in early May 2016. LADWP plans to submit the 2015 UWMP to the California Department of Water Resources by July 1, 2016.

*The Public Hearing being held on March 3 can be viewed via a live webcast. A link will be available on the 2015 UWMP dedicated web page at

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email at [email protected]


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