Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Urban Water Management Plan Informational Meetings

Posted on 11/25/15

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Invitation to 2015 Urban Water Management Plan Informational Meetings
Good afternoon,
LADWP is in the process of preparing the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UMWP) for the City of Los Angeles (City).  The UWMP will contain the City’s long-term strategy for managing water resources and ensuring water supply reliability through the year 2040.
The UWMP not only provides the framework for future reliability, but meets State requirement of the City to submit a UWMP every five years in compliance with the California Urban Water Management Planning Act.
Key elements of the UWMP include:
-Existing and planned sources of water
-Water demand forecasting, and conservation efforts to reduce water demand
-Assessment of reliability and vulnerability of water supply
-Activities to develop alternative sources of water
-Water shortage contingency analysis
LA’s 2015 UWMP
The 2015 UWMP will build upon the 2010 UWMP and will be consistent with the City’s goals and policy objectives for a reliable water supply, such as the Mayor’s Executive Directive No. 5 and the Sustainable City pLAn.  Since the 2010 UWMP, water supplies that support Los Angeles continue to be under stress due to changing climate and drought. Consequently, the 2015 UWMP will include aggressive measures to increase water use efficiency, develop additional local supplies, increase supply diversity, and reduce dependence on purchased imported supplies.  Specific initiatives in the UWMP are based on recommendations from the Recycled Water Master Planning Documents, the Groundwater System Improvement Study, the Stormwater Capture Master Plan, and the Conservation Potential Study.  These planning efforts have included significant public outreach and public comment.  Beyond the UWMP, LADWP is committed to ongoing public outreach that addresses emerging water resource challenges and future water supply reliability.
Tentative UWMP Timeline
§  January 2016         Four public informational meetings (Date/Time/Location TBD)
§  February 2016       Release of the Draft 2015 UWMP
§  March 2016            Two Public Hearings
§  May 2016                Expected adoption by the LADWP Board of Commissioners
§  June 2016              Submittal to California Department of Water Resources
The public meetings in January are scheduled prior to the draft UWMP release date of February 2016 to provide opportunities for the public to receive information and provide feedback.  Comments received during these meetings will be considered in the UWMP.  After adoption by the Board of Commissioners, the final UWMP will be submitted to the California Department of Water Resources by July 1, 2016.  
We hope you can join us in one of the four (4) January meetings. More details will be available in our next informational bulletin so please stay tuned!
To learn more about the Urban Water Management Plan, we invite you to visit our webpage at or to send email inquiries to [email protected].
Thank you!
2015 Urban Water Management Plan Team

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