Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

PUBLIC HEARING 4/25/23 @ 2PM - Former Denny's Site - 46 units

Posted on 04/13/23

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

The hearing notice has been posted to the (Early Notification System) ENS System and is now on the City Planning Calendar

The following are the approvals from the City they are seeking to be able to build this project:
On behalf of the City Planning Commission, the Hearing Officer shall consider:
1. An Exemption from CEQA, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, Class 32, that there is no substantial    evidence demonstrating that an exception to the categorical exemption pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section  15300.2, applies;
2. Pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 12.22-A,25, a Density Bonus for a Housing Development with a total of 46 units with 15% set aside for Very Low Income Households; and pursuant to LAMC Section 12.22-A,25(f)(8) and 12.22-A,25(g)(3), one (1) On-Menu Incentive,  two (2) Off-Menu Incentives and one (1) waiver or modification of a development standard:
a. An On-Menu Incentive to permit averaging of floor area, density, parking, open space, and permitting vehicular access throughout the project site, pursuant to LAMC Section 12.22.A,25(f)(8);
b. An Off-Menu Incentive pursuant to LAMC Section 12.22.A.25(g)(3), to permit a maximum height of 42 feet in lieu of the otherwise permitted 33 feet pursuant to Section 7.B.3 of the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan;
c. An Off-Menu Incentive pursuant to LAMC Section 12.22.A.25(g)(3) to permit a reduction in the required setback along Foothill Boulevard to allow 10 feet in lieu of the otherwise required 15 feet; and
d. A waiver or modification of a development standard to permit reduced building separation of 13 feet in lieu of the otherwise required 54 feet, pursuant to Section 7.B.5 of the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan;
3. Pursuant to LAMC Section 11.5.7 C, Project Permit Compliance Review for a project within the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan.

The STNC has received a hearing notice for the old Denny's site at Plainview and Foothill Blvd.
It appears this hearing is being held on behalf of the City Planning Commission by a Hearing Officer.
Proposed three story 42 feet residential building with 46 residential dwelling units, 89 parking spaces.
Hearing will be held telephonically.  Call 213-338-8477 and enter Meeting ID 834 0437 5061#

More details on ZIMAS at

STNC did not support this project.  See STNC letter of Feb. 2022.

Download 7577 Public hearing 4-25-23.pdf

Download STNC-7577Fthl-NonSupportLtr2-10-22.pdf

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