Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council

IMPORTANT CALIF. HIGH SPEED RAIL Board Meeting June 9 at 9 a.m.

Posted on 05/31/15

6-9-15 - Great turnout at the Board Meeting on June 9 in Downtown Los Angeles with speakers from the Foothills Communities and beyond!  There will be an update at tonight's STNC Board Meeting with Jarrod Degonia from Supervisor Mike Antonovich's office.  To view the board meeting live:

6-6-15 -- Over 100 people attended Saturday's Emergency Meeting from Sunland-Tujunga, Shadow Hills, Lake View Terrace, Kagel Canyon and our neighbors in La Crescenta.   Next is the CAHSRA Board Meeting on Tuesday.  Here are some details.
This will be an opportunity to speak in person in front of the CHSRA Board of Directors. We are encouraging all residents to attend in order to speak out against the routes that threaten to destroy our communities. This is the meeting where the board is presented with the Supplemental Alternatives Analysis (SAA) for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section.
Unfortunately for us, the CHSRA has decided to hold this important meeting in a venue that is geographically undesirable for all affected stakeholders even though we presented them with several viable alternatives located in the San Fernando Valley.

We do not know how long the meeting will last but it could well run into the afternoon.
PLACE: Ronald Reagan Building
300 Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
TIME: Closed session: 8:30; General Mtg starts at 10:00
Each attendee may fill out a speaker card and speak for 90 seconds so make each second count!
There will be a security area similar to those at airports so allow time for that. The building's capacity is 275.
Here is a map:
Here is the agenda:…/brdmtg_060915_2nd_AMENDED_Board_Mee…


Following is email notice from SAFE - Save Angeles Forest For Everyone  -- JOIN US!  Special "Emergency" Community Meeting this Saturday, June 6 at North Valley City Hall starting at 9 a.m. regarding the High Speed Rail routes from Palmdale to Burbank. 

5-31-15 UPDATE  -- Thank you to all who came out to the Open House on Saturday morning.   It was great to see many of our neighbors take an interest in speaking with the experts one on one and submit their written comments. If you missed the presentation, here's a link to the video: 

One more Open House opportunity:  June 2 Webcast, 6 p.m. To participate in the live broadcast, go to:
WHAT'S NEXT?   The June 9 Board Meeting at Ronald Reagan State Building, Downtown Los Angeles at 10 a.m.  Public Comment time limit 90 seconds. Would you like to attend this hearing?  Speak at this hearing ?  If you would like to ride a bus to the hearing, call 818-951-7411 to reserve a spot.  Deadline to RSVP is 4 p.m. Monday, June 1.   

More news at: Daily News Article here:; other updates and links here: 


IMPORTANT -- ATTEND THIS EVENT HOSTED BY THE CALIFORNIA HIGH SPEED RAIL - Community Open House Meeting will be held at Verdugo Hills High School on May 30 - 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  The purpose is to present up-to-date information on the alternatives under consideration.  Attend this meeting to find out how a direct route from the Palmdale Transportation Center to the Burbank Airport Station could be built if it is approved and the possible impacts to all.

More information / latest news /  Visit the   


The detailed map was just posted on the CHSRA website. The link below connects you. Please post with a statement:

"Late this afternoon (April 20), the revised, detailed aerial maps for the proposed Palmdale to Burbank project section were posted by CHRSA on their website (we are still seeking topographical maps). The map includes all routes still in consideration within the SR14 corridor and the East Corridor/Forest routes. These are as close as we can get to street level maps for now. We have not reviewed them closely yet and many of the S.A.F.E. volunteers are involved in high speed rail meetings this afternoon and evening so it will take us some time to talk to community leaders and residents to figure out which areas (streets, residents, businesses, water sources, wildlife corridors, etc.) are closest to any of the most heavily revised routes (E1 and E3). Note E2 is unchanged at this time and there have been minor modifications to routes along the SR14 corridor.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that these maps and proposed routes are NOT FINAL. There is still ample time for our communities to provide further input before the EIR/EIS routes are selected for study; the EIR/EIS study period will last 3-5 years; and construction is further into the future still.

In the upcoming weeks we will be evaluating the best way to discuss the new information with the community including email, website, presentation at community meetings and holding a large group meeting. Please stay tuned and provide your input.

Please feel free to communicate any thoughts, concerns or recommendations to your community leaders or by emailing S.A.F.E. at  Thank you."

NEWEST MAPS FROM HSR FROM 4/14/15 MEETING WITH OLD AND NEW ROUTES. Here are the newest maps from HSR--one showing both old and new routes and one that shows just the new routes. The lightly colored purple lines for E1 and E3 are routes that have been replaced with revised routes. Note that E1 and E3 are now fully tunneled through our area. E2 is the same. Their entire Powerpoint presentation can be found at:

Facts from High Speed Rail Foothills Communities Working Group Meeting - April 14, 2015
S.A.F.E. Coalition  "Don't Railroad Us" has provided this recap from the CWG Meeting

Residents, community leaders and S.A.F.E. volunteers attended Tuesday night's meeting. Since no take-home information or printed maps were distributed at the meeting, we are providing the most factual update possible. There was much new information and the meeting was highly charged emotionally at times, so we're trying to provide you with the most objective, factual recount of the meeting. As soon as more detailed information is available, we will provide updates and/or links to the information. There is a representation of the new map on the S.A.F.E. website ( but it is not official. Thanks to all who turned out, all who have become informed and engaged, and all who spoke out at the meeting.
  • meeting was held at Sun Valley Community Church from 5:30 p.m. until nearly 8:30 p.m.
  • meeting was well-attended; more than 60 residents present
  • the meeting featured general information and updates from CHSRA and a wide variety of informed, strong challenges and questions from working group members and guests in attendance
  • this was the second "community working group" meeting to be held since February 2015
  • introductory information was largely a re-hash of information our group was familiar with
  • CHSRA devoted considerable time explaining more about construction techniques such as elevated, at-grade, cut and trench tunneling and bored tunneling
  • CHRSA timeline still showing completion of the "Alternatives Study" in the next few months with late Spring/Early Summer route recommendations going to the CHSRA Board (possibly as early as June)
  • audience members spoke strongly against CHSRA estimates of 2 years to complete the EIR/EIS study, and referenced the 4-year long 710 freeway EIR process which is still ongoing as a comparison (4+ years and $40 million cost for the 5-mile 710 freeway extension project; the Palmdale to Burbank high speed rail segment is 35-45 miles long and consulting contracts for the EIR/EIS studies let to date total $56 million cost)
  • new maps (not yet available on the CHSRA or S.A.F.E. websites) were introduced; many attendees took pictures (we encourage you not to come to final conclusions about the maps and routes until you view the information on the CHSRA website at a to-be-determined date)
  • these new maps are NOT final and are NOT certain for inclusion in the EIR/EIS environmental studies; what that means is that the routes CAN, AND WILL LIKELY, CHANGE OR EVOLVE
  • E1 Route - has moved considerably north of earlier placement; now fully tunneled throughout the Angeles Forest region north and east of the 210 freeway and all the way to San Fernando Road where it is at-grade for some of the distance to Burbank; the at-grade portion from the earlier E1 route, which was in the vicinity of Angeles Shooting Range and the Wildlife Waystation, has been eliminated.
  • E2 Route - remains the same with tunneling under the Forest, tunnel openings in the mountains/hills immediately adjacent to Lake View Terrace and Shadow Hills, and the long, elevated bridge across Big Tujunga Wash connecting those tunnel openings
  • E3 Route - most, but not all, of the proposed route has moved south and east of the preliminary E3 route; the proposed route is now fully tunneled through the Forest, through our communities and all the way to Burbank.
  • SR14 Routes - it appears there has been some tweaking of those routes, but the discussion focused on the East Corridor Routes; upcoming meetings in other communities will shed more light on the SR14 routes
  • Authority Board Meetings - the Authority Board will likely hold an upcoming meeting in the LA area; date and location TBD
  • Community Working Group Meetings - a succession of meetings, similar to ours last night, will be held in the next two weeks from Burbank all the way to Palmdale. A third working group meeting here in the Foothill communities is possible, as well.
  • Small Group Meetings with CHSRA - once the new maps are available on-line and we've had time to study them, representatives of S.A.F.E. will meet with CHSRA staff and engineering consultants.
  • Pre-EIR/EIS Environmental Studies - CHSRA appears open to suggestion by S.A.F.E. (below) to conduct more in-depth studies of subjects such as water, tunneling feasiblity/cost/construction impacts and seismic/geology
  • S.A.F.E. lodged three primary requests:
    • first, that additional, independent studies be conducted PRIOR to EIR alternatives are selected on topics including water, tunneling feasibility/cost construction costs and seismic/geology. These studies would encompass all SR14 and East Corridor routes.
    • second, since a station in Burbank is not assured, that a "no-Burbank station" alternative be included in the EIR/EIS studies for both the Palmdale to Burbank project section and the Burbank to LA/Union Station project section.
    • third, that all above ground features in any routes - East Corridor and SR14 - be removed from consideration for inclusion in the EIR/EIS studies.


The California High Speed Rail Authority held a Community Working Group meeting for the Foothills.  The room was full to capacity to hear the latest updates from the consultants who are working on the Palmdale to Burbank Airport route proposals.   Please stay informed by visiting the website links listed below where you can see copies of their presentations and photos.

The latest is that the most eastern route and closest to the STNC boundary has been moved to travel under the Angeles National Golf Course then through Sunland, Shadow Hills to Burbank.  In other words, the most eastern route is closer to the Sunland-Tujunga community.

Is tunelling through the Angeles National Forest the most cost efficient, easiest to route?

S.A.F.E.’s position is: 1) all Forest/East Corridor alternatives must be eliminated from further consideration immediately; and 2) the San Fernando Road corridor and SR14/5 alternatives must be significantly improved or be removed from further consideration; or 3) if both (1) and (2) are not met, efforts to extend high speed rail from Palmdale to Burbank via the densely populated northeast San Fernando Valley should be abandoned with the funds utilized for other locally-serving transportation and quality of life improvements.
Don’t Railroad Our Communities! Read all the facts and history of this project and get involved!

Visit the STNC Video Channel


For more information:


Mandatory Community Meeting on Tuesday, January 13 at All Nations Church, 10000 Foothill Blvd., Lake View Terrace. See flyer for details.

High Speed Rail Update - More than 300 attended the Open House!
12-22-14 - Foothill Communities Update

Dear High Speed Rail Authority:

Attached please find a PDF file of the position of the Foothill Communities regarding High Speed Rail's East Corridor alternatives within the Palmdale to Burbank project section.

We call for the immediate elimination of all three of the East Corridor alternatives, as well as drastic improvements to or replacement of the long-studied SR 14 alignments, which also fall far short of gaining our and neighboring communities approval or support. 

Given the challenges and damages the Authority has created for our communities since mid-August, through the Thanksgiving holiday and, now, on the eve of the Christmas and New Year's holidays, we seek and deserve your prompt response to our communication as soon as possible prior to the Christmas holiday, or prior to the end of December 2014, at the latest. This should be a "high speed" decision, not a complicated decision or one that needs further review. It is abundantly clear that the East Corridor alternatives never should have seen the light of day and are fatally flawed in countless ways. HSR has now had more than four months and nearly one dozen open house/community meetings (flawed as they were) to assess the overwhelmingly negative response to the "Yellow Banana" and more than one month to assess the complete rejection of the East Corridor alternatives.

Please confirm receipt of this document and let me know if you have any trouble downloading the file or viewing images. I'd be happy to send you requested files/images separately if needed.

Thank you and we await your prompt response. Copies of this position statement are being circulated extensively throughout our communities, to elected officials, various government agencies and the press at this time.


Dave DePinto
On behalf of the S.A.F.E. Coalition - "Don't Railroad Our Communities"

12-19-14 -- Below see Rendering of what the High Speed Rail coming through our area will look like if built. 

See more in the Photo Gallery

Dear Friends:
First, SHPOA asks that you circulate/pass this message along to your friends, neighbors, social media network, communities, etc. throughout our Foothill communities. Please let your friends know they may subscribe for free to Daily Fodder for regular updates by sending an email to Terri Ortiz ( and simply asking to be added to the Daily Fodder contact list.
You made us proud tonight at the HSR meeting as more than 300 community members attended to learn more about the issues. About 20 of our more involved community leaders actually were at meetings at the Rec Center starting at 3 pm and staying until the end at about 8 pm.
We know some of you are sad, shocked, worried and angered by what you learned in greater detail today. You are seeing government run amok here, a project that has the governor's support and a funding lifeline to sustain their efforts while we volunteers have to give up our personal and work time. We believe we made a strong impression on them that we are a force and people to be dealt with and not taken lightly. You deserve credit for helping us so that and praise for defending your property rights, real estate investment and quality of life. Also, our councilman was there as were representatives of numerous other elected officials and they too had to be impressed by your turnout and passion. That will yield dividends down the road and we are certain that HSR will make adjustments based on what you've told them.
So, what's next? Let's all take a few days to absorb this, to talk with friends and family, and to formulate informed opinions. We want to hear from you. Please feel free to write to and let us know your thoughts. Our "leader" working group will meet prior to the holiday to strategize. We also are considering an electronic survey that we'd make available to everyone so we can capture your thoughts and opinions on a range of topics related to this matter.
We considered moving our planned January 13 meeting (at All Nations Church) up a few weeks, but nearly everyone we talked to prefers to wait until after the holiday period to meet as a large group again. That's what we'll do.
As you may recall, there are additional HSR meetings coming up (see attached flyer). Please feel free to attend any of them and let us know if you learn anything new.
Thanks again everybody. Please remain united, involved, visible and vocal.
S.A.F.E. Coalition Working Group and SHPOA Board of Directors


We confirmed tonight that our Foothill communities are facing their most serious threat in more than 50 years due to High Speed Rail. We've talked about this at several SHPOA meetings, written about it on Daily Fodder and in our newsletter. We've shared the information with neighboring communities. We've advised you of a series of update meetings scheduled for the next few weeks. If you had any doubt, just look at the map. It's almost too much to comprehend, but it's true.

The latest version of HSR's plans, unveiled for the first time Tuesday evening in Santa Clarita, show that the vague and non-specific "yellow banana" has been replaced by THREE possible routes through our communities. If you were planning on attending Wednesday's briefing conducted by HSR at Stonehurst Park at 5:30 p.m., good. If you were not or were on the fence, you seriously should change your plans and attend the meeting to get informed.

The scenarios being talked about now include eminent domain of homes and businesses on both sides of the 210 freeway, as well as along San Fernando Road; tunnels running through the National Monument, National Forest and horse country from Kagel Canyon and Lake View Terrace all the way to Sunland/Tunjunga; tunnels emerging from the San Gabriel Mountains on the "mountain" side of the 210 freeway; elevated platforms carrying the trains over the Big Tujunga Wash and 210 Freeway and around Hansen Dam; tunnels being re-started into the hills of Shadow Hills along Wentworth Street at Mary Bell Avenue and just past Wheatland; tunnels running directly under the mid-section of Shadow Hills all the way down to the 5 Freeway at either Glenoaks Boulevard or Hollywood Way; and high speed trains running at-grade through much of CD7 and CD6 along San Fernando Road.

Wednesday's meeting at Stonehurst is put on by HSR, not by SHPOA or S.A.F.E. There are no presentations and no Q&A other than what you talk about as you walk from monitor to monitor and what you talk about with HSR consultants manning each "station."

Our community is going to be tested like never before.  You need to get on board tomorrow and stay on board for the long haul. You need to get your neighbors equally involved.

The current proposals by HSR, as well as their means of communicating and working with us, are totally unacceptable. We have a lot of work ahead of us.

Dave DePinto
SHPOA Board of Directors
Click on View PDF to see the new proposed map

The Palmdale to Burbank Project Section proposes to connect the Antelope Valley to the San Fernando Valley by traveling from the Palmdale
Transportation Center to the Burbank Airport Station. Please join us at the upcoming Community Open House meetings to learn more about
the alternatives under consideration.

Rendering of what the High Speed Rail coming through our area will look like if built.�

See more in the Photo Gallery�

S.A.F.E. � Save Angeles Forest for Everyone - S.A.F.E. was organized by concerned residents and community leaders from Shadow Hills, Lake View Terrace, Kagel Canyon, La Tuna Canyon, Sunland/Tujunga and Sun Valley. Our mission is to stop the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) from studying and building a high speed rail line through our communities and the adjacent Angeles National Forest and Big Tujunga Wash via tunnels,bridges or at-grade tracks as part of the �East Corridor of the Palmdale to Burbank project section.� The proposal would have devastating and irreversible impacts to the character of our rural and equestrian communities, local water supplies and wildlife, road infrastructure and air quality, and would violate the sensitive ecosystems protected by the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Angeles National Forest.�

Download HSROpenHouseSpring2015.png

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